Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's the Diagnosis Doc?

I have been feeling a little under the weather the past few days. I woke up on Monday (5/11) with a scratch in my throat, which then progressed to being on fire this morning. So I decided to go to the doctor to find out what in the world was going on. What did he say?...

I have Tonsillitis

I was completely shocked. I'm the kind of person that is rarely sick...and I have definitely not been around anyone with Tonsillitis. My doctor said it is very contagious, so I shouldn't be around anyone until the antibiotics have been in my system for 24 hours. So at 10:30 this morning I was pleasantly surprised with a day-off from work! (Excellent!) I just don't know what to do with myself...

1 comment:

  1. OH NO! Poor Ashlee!!! Shoot I can't rush over! Well tomorrow afternoon I can so watch out! I'll bring you something hmmm...a yummy dessert? *Bart keep taking care of her!! We need her better SOON!*
