Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Curious Case of Ashlee Hatch

I know this may shock you, but I do like other things besides Converse shoes. Like, shopping at Ross and TJ Maxx, taking pictures, Disneyland, scrapbooking, hanging out with friends and family, finding good deals (hence the shopping at Ross and TJ Maxx), riding my bike, being with my husband, bright colors, reading "self help" books, etc. But there is one thing I really like (love might be the better word choice) to do that only Bart knows...and I have decided to come clean and let everyone matter how strange I might look.

I really like budgeting money.

I know, I'm a complete dork, but that still doesn't hinder my enjoyment in saving our dollars, paying our bills, and dividing the rest into nice neat catagories like Groceries, Gifts, and (yes) Allowances. Now, sticking to the budget I have laid out is a different story...I'm still perfecting that (and I'm working on my husband as well). I have a feeling this liking of mine stems from my "bean counter" mentality.

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in awhile. Life has been a little busy. I do have Memorial Day and Bart's birthday pics to post, but like I it crazy right now. (Note: I found out I had to take one more pre-req in order to get my certificate in I am now enrolled in a summer reading class. That's another blog post coming your way.)

So in order to spark your interest in my Memorial Day pics, I have decided to post one picture from that day as a little preview. Here it is:

Yes, the day was definitely filled with water.

P.S. to Amy: I'm sorry I have not sent over the Memorial Day pics of your family, but I will send them soon.

All the Best!!


  1. I love budgeting too! It's one of my absolutely favorite things to do!!

    We've had a strict budget since we got married two years ago. It's been rough, but when we look at how much we've been able to save, we're thrilled!!

    And yes Jake and I have allowances too =)

    I'm at grandma's right now (who says hi) and she says she loves to budget as well. It must run in the family!

  2. I sure wish that I had that love.... I'm excited to see the pictures!

  3. I also love to budget, sticking to it is another story.
