Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Safety First.

Some of you may know that I have been riding my bike home from work almost every day for the past couple months, to give me some exercise and to save a little money. It's been so great...

I love riding my bike!

But like all bad girls, I have not been wearing a helmet. And then Monday, April 20th happened. I was riding home (stoked for Dancing with the Stars) when a car hit me in the crosswalk. I know, I couldn't believe it either.

Thankfully the driver only clipped my back tire. Unfortunately I was still thrown to the ground, which left me with a gash on my ankle, a nice purple bruise on my knee, and a broken Converse shoelace and a bent-up back tire as casualties (I'm so sad about my Converse shoelace!).

I can't tell you how grateful I am for a Heavenly Father that protected me even when I was being an idiot (by not wearing a helmet). Since I only make Him protect me from stupidity once, I decided I would not ride my bike until I had a helmet.

Thankfully, Bernadette was on the same wavelength. On Tuesday, April 21st I was greeted at her home with a "Don't get comfortable Ashlee, we're leaving soon." I then find out that my wonderful friend Bernadette and her supportive husband Paul decided to buy me a sweet helmet and very bright shirt so I would be protected and noticeable to all within a 5 mile radius. So I rode my husband's bike home today and with the help of my helmet and shirt, did not get hit by a car or injured in any way!!! (It worked!)

I have got to say, my new bike helmet is the coolest thing ever. Well, as cool as you can get for a bike helmet. And what did I tell you about the shirt...SO bright!

Thanks Paul and Bernadette for keeping me safe!

All the Best!


  1. Wow, that is crazy! We are so happy you are ok. Be sure to wear that helmet there are some crazy drivers out there. Love Ya!

  2. you didn't tell me about your poor shoelace! :( bummer!!!!! Which pare of Converse are on the injury list? PS I love the shirt! YOU LOOK FAB!

  3. I'm so glad that you are ok!
