Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Updates Soon.

So this is Jack lately.

Doesn't he look so grown up?

I still can't get over it.

These wonderful photos were taken by my new neighbor, who I just found out is a professional photographer. I knew I liked him before (he has a sweet accent), but it was confirmed when he brought out his Nikon D700 at a neighborhood BBQ we attended last Sunday. We immediately spoke of photography and he gave me some tips and tricks. He's so kind to put up with my amateur questions.

Just the other day one of my dearest friends sent me an email asking for an update on my life...asking about events that happened long ago, that I never filled her in on.

What a good friend she is...
what I horrible friend I am.

Leanne, I hope to give you some updates on us soon...through the blog and the return email I have yet to finish. :) Remember you have to be patient with me.

Things to come:

Jack in the past few months, including:
birthday party
hospital trip
new eating habits
all around cuteness

"A-day-in-the-life" of Ashlee riding her bike to work

Photo session with my niece

Photo session with a beautiful soon-to-be mommy

I think that about covers it.


  1. Haha Chichie I love this post :) And no way you are a horrible friend! You are the most wonderfulest friend (so wonderful I had to make up a new word for you ;)) I can't wait to see all the updates but I know you are a busy working wife and mommy (so pretty much superwoman in my book). In the mean time I always love pictures of Jack, he melts my heart every time :) <3 you!

  2. Amazing photos. He's good. :) And your boy is cute! Can't wait to see all the pictures from your recent shoots!
