Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Baby's Story

We had our second ultrasound on October 1, 2009. We had been waiting 30 painfully long days for this ultrasound...because on this day, we would find out the gender of our baby. I was so sure our baby was going to be a girl. One of my sister's just gave birth to a little girl in September, and my other sister (who happens to be due 10 days before me) is also having a baby girl, so I figured our little bundle was destined to have double X chromosomes. (Side note: for those of you who don't know, I have 22 nieces and nephews...soon to be 23 with my pregnant sister's baby. Out of the 23 grandkids my parents were blessed with, 16 are granddaughters and 7 are grandsons. Needless to say we are not lacking in females in the Kitchen line).

So when the ultrasound tech placed the camera on my belly and I could immediately tell this little baby was a boy, I was a little shocked. So shocked in fact that I looked over at my husband to see if he saw the same thing. The look of shock and triumph I found on his face confirmed my suspicion. Now at this point in the game our tech was not giving us any hints as to the gender of our baby...she was getting the important stuff out of the way first (which I was very grateful for, being an already worried mother). She checked the baby's heart, brain, and spine while making sure I was progressing and developing the way I should. Thankfully, all is well and our baby was right on schedule (being a little bigger than average as we came to find out later).

So after all the vital measurements were done, she turned to Bart and I and asked if we wanted to know the gender. We pretty much already knew, since our baby was sitting on the camera when we first saw him, but we both muttered a breathless "yes" as we plastered our eyes to the T.V. screen one more time. So she introduced us to our little one through different camera angles and pictures she was able to take. She immediately said our baby was not shy, since he was posing so beautifully for the camera. I told her our baby definitely got that from his Daddy. Bart is not a shy guy. Here is what she showed us (Another side note: I have never used our scanner before, so please excuse the scanning job...I'll do better next time I'm sure):

Our baby's profile: you can see his cute little button nose, his mouth (which was moving at the time), and strong chin. His hand is right by his face.

This is our little boy staring straight at the camera, hence the small skull you see in the upper left part of the picture. He's getting ready for Halloween a little early. :)

A nice shot of our baby's foot. It looks like he has all five toes (what a relief!!). After this picture our little guy quickly moved his foot away from the camera. The tech laughed saying he had ticklish feet. Now that trait he inherited from me. :)

And last but not least here is one out of three pictures she was able to take confirming that yes indeed, our baby was a boy. In the first picture he had his ankles crossed, which was a little bit of a challenge for her to determine. Then, after the first picture was taken he uncrossed his ankles, giving us a picture perfect view of the thing between his legs (Please see the above picture: the view is him sitting on the camera...again). She then proceeded to take one more picture confirming our baby was a boy (like we really needed the proof after the above picture) and wished us both "Congratulations" as she flipped on the lights and handed us our pictures.

As I took the pictures from our ultrasound tech, I stared at Bart with tears in my eyes, grateful that I was blessed with a wonderful baby boy. He, having a huge smile on his face, gave me a big hug and we both laughed together until we finally found our way to the door. We went back out into the waiting room (since I had my monthly check up right after) and Bart immediately went outside to call both sets of parents, siblings, and close friends to give them the good news. I was fortunate enough to stay in the waiting room and contemplate over the greatness of our little boy while I stared at his pictures. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am pregnant and we will have another person joining our family in four very short months.

So that is the story I give to you, introducing our oldest son, Jack Wayne (or so his name is now) into the world.

All the best.


  1. Hurray for baby Jack!!! We are so happy for you both, and can't wait to meet him! Four months will fly by in no time...and then I can really spoil him rotten!!!!

  2. Congrats you guys! Yea for Boys!

  3. congratulations...we'll have to get Jack and chase together sometime... ;)
